Reach out ... to hωalther!

By regular mail:
Mr. Hans W. Walther
Rheinstrasse 65, House "D"
64331 Weiterstadt (Hess)

Face to face:
In Weiterstadt (HQ):
Rheinstrasse 65, House "D" in 64331 Weiterstadt
In Griesheim (The Onion Office):
Sterngasse 171, House "B" in DE-64347 Griesheim

By electronic mail:
Central eMail address: main (at)
For Eurojumelages DE: darmstadt (at)
For Eurojumelages FR: paris (at) (if sending fails, use the darmstadt address)

On the phone:
Voice, in Weiterstadt: +49 615O 544 5164
Voice, via WebEx: +49 6151 582 175O Please negotiate an appointment!
Voice, cell phone: +49 17O 34O 5676
Voice, cell phone: +49 171 621 2285
Video, via 'SenfCall': Click the 'Online Conference' button. Select room 'Terra'. You may be asked to enter a PIN.
Video, via FaceTime: Take your iPhone and call the mobile number in Facetime.
Video, via SKYPE: "hwalther" / "hwalther2" on request only

By fax:
Fax: +49 615O 544 5169

For Gymnasia concerns:
As far as gymnasia are concerned:
→ For FERRUM gyms:
Face to Face: Gym 1339F32; Poststrasse 4-6 in DE-64295 Darmstadt
On the Phone: +49 (0)6151 786 580
By FERRUM e-mail:
→ For ARGENTUM gyms:
Face to Face: Gym 133A128; Donaustaufer Str. 70 in DE-93059 Regensburg
On the Phone: +49 (0)941 4629 1119
By ARGENTUM e-mail:

By electronic mail:[your Gym ID] (at)
→ For AURUM Gyms:
Face to Face: +43 1